Taurus Full Moon and Partial Lunar Eclipse Forecast

Taurus partial lunar eclipse full moon in Scorpio season. With the fierce, heart-headed, earth-based, concentrated walk to my own drum leader boosting us with its strength and unwavering support, so that we may explore the sometimes scary and not so savory experiences. Now, whether we were the ones taking the unaligned actions or having them done to us, whether it be through lying, stealing, manipulation, altering, avoiding, numbing, severing, neglecting anyone affecting their ideas, thoughts, feelings and, therefore, actions we must be willing to address them all.

It's easier to lift the rug and deal with what we've swept under than have the rug pulled out from underneath us. This is the difference of applying our pressure without the need for an external force, which will promote a sweeter, gentler lesson than needing things to get so bad ignoring everyone and every sign trying to help you out along the way down into the depths of the bottom of your emotional ocean. Which is all being heavily highlighted this Scorpio season. So, we've got the powerful Scorpio and Taurus joining forces in this 10th month of the 12 calendar year hence the 12 zodiac signs, 12 hours of the day... let's turn to our friend numerology and add that together, giving us the vibration or number 3! The 3rd chakra is right where this leads us as we unpack the mental body, our willpower, and our ability to stand up and out from the crowd/trends/following. Along with 10, 1 + 0 = 1 and our first chakra the root, representing our root, ancestral connection/karma, our foundation, our routines, and basic survival skills. It’s fun and exciting to decode life and involves both the left and right side of the brain bridging cognitive function!

In the cosmic dance, the Scorpio's water and Taurus' earth unite, weaving a spell of attraction that pulls in the essence of our very being. Our magnet, a mystical force that draws in all we emit, is the nexus of this enchantment. Yet, the magnet can falter, weakened by the scars of unhealthy habits and suppressed emotions. The magnet, once whole, now bears chips and holes, losing its potency and power. False labels, neglect, and diminishing of our emotions have left the magnet's essence scarred, programmed to resonate with dense and unhealthy energies that dampen its allure. And so, it attracts experiences, relationships, and people that offer less than what we deserve.

As the lunar eclipse approaches, the earth awakens, its senses heightened and amplified. This is a moment to embrace, not numb, the sensitivities that arise, for they hold the key to our healing. Ask yourself, dear seeker of truth, what these sensy cells require to thrive, for this eclipse bears ingredients that offer us a chance to heal. So, heed the call of the stars and tend to your emotions, for in doing so, you heal not only yourself but all those around you.