Gemini Full Moon Cycle Forecast

Beaver Full Moon in Gemini Nov 27th

Hello friends,

The Beaver full moon has arrived, offering a three-day spectacle of radiant light and purpose. This lunar event sheds light on the duality of our nature, the inherent qualities and characteristics we possess, whether consciously or subconsciously. It highlights the contrasting forces within us, the light and dark, masculine and feminine, extroverted and introverted, yin and yang, magnetic and electric. This full moon is a powerful reminder that we are a complex blend of opposing energies and that embracing both sides of our nature is essential for balance and harmony in our lives.

It is crucial that we approach the truth with a curious mindset so we can gain a comprehensive understanding of the bipolar nature of humans and energy and make it a common fact for all aspects of our beings. The absence of this understanding can have detrimental effects on all areas of our lives. When we lack the truth, we tend to blame and define our experiences erroneously, which ultimately results in having misguided thoughts and feelings that lead to actions that are not in alignment with our true selves. This pattern is a pandemic across the board at this time in our history throughout societies near and far. Wars, suicide, broken families, and every level of trauma in between can be broken down to this simple yet fundamental aspect of our universal makeup.

The zodiac sign Sagittarius is known for its relentless pursuit of truth. With the Gemini full moon occurring during the Sagittarius season, we can harness the power of these two signs to our advantage. This potent combination allows us to see through the falsehoods that have been fed to us all our lives with cautious discernment. To simplify life, we can view it through the lens of vibration and energy. Everything in the universe is made up of energy that vibrates at different frequencies. Our unbiased feelings act as a compass, guiding us towards real or fake vibrations. A real vibration feels emotionally intelligent, with an attitude of gratitude, understanding, mentally willing, spiritually connected, intentional, and even healthy nervousness, excitement as we step out of our comfort zone to grow and advance in life. In contrast, a fake vibration feels convenient, comfortable, familiar, stemming from expecting and assuming, encompassing emotions such as fear, anger, sadness, hate, pity, loathing, and victimization. By understanding the power of vibration and energy, we can navigate life with greater clarity and purpose.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you are re-evaluating your life choices? It is important to take a closer look at the root reasons for your past decisions. Were you in certain relationships, jobs, friendships, hobbies, or careers for the sake of "safety" or "convenience"? Did you choose certain personalities to fit in with a certain group or to avoid being alone? If so, it is important to recognize that these choices were driven by fear of their absence rather than a genuine love for their presence. To truly devote yourself to your own well-being, you must be willing to confront the underlying truths that may be ugly and uncomfortable. It is common to suppress our true feelings and emotions with self-convincing excuses.

However, this only leads to further disconnection from our true selves. It is healthy to acknowledge and feel the emotions that arise when we confront our unaligned and hurtful choices and actions toward ourselves and others. This process may not feel good, but it is necessary for growth and healing. By facing our fears and insecurities, we can begin to make choices that align with our true selves and lead to a more fulfilling life. May we harness the power of this Beaver full moon to heal our most suppressed anchors in the false/fake vibrational life/lifestyle that our purest selves are ready to release and move upward and onward from.

xoxo LIV Team