Spoonful of Stacey - Self Discovery Part VIII

As we took on this huge mission of trudging up our past lineages to clear out ancestral and generational patterns it was imperative everyone stayed mindful, hyper vigilant, and conscious of what lesson, loop, cycle, contract, and illusion were at play. What egoic bubble and fake reality did we have to pop today? What new perspective can we gain over a past situation to better understand it? With that said, as we took on the massive mission of healing the holes within our cells and bridging the gap between science and spirituality, our left and right brains, the self, and the personal id needed to be willing to stay open, see, feel, address, and process ——all parts of healthy responding****!

Now we had to uncover why Johny was so triggered ignoring all the tall signs and forced us to stay in the hotel against my strong know, loud feelings, and again obvious signs that were given even once we entered the location. We always become aware of the theme, who were healing, the lesson at hand, and the pattern we are breaking. This level of awareness allows one to stay in management and keen to what’s taking place, what to watch for, and how to respond. So why was Johny not willing to respond? The high tech advanced technological Airbnb style hotel, with AI response, named Easy Living was our opportunity to break a huge ancestral pattern. When we were very aware of the dominating bullying left brain, how much we were healing the reliance on technology, the dire need to connect to real humans with compassion for the human experience, all of this in our awareness as the larger picture, the healing of the left and right brain, along with the easy and lazy way our human race has lived was what we were healing. So many have become so reliant on technology, or on the latter unwilling to keep up with the evolving world, disconnected from their right brain, and lacking lustre, desire, curiosity of their own personal identity, ancestry, cells, the world their living in. Very mundane lifestyles, stagnating the collective, and corrupting Mother Earth with the toxic ways they’ve given of their ideas, thoughts, feelings, and actions.

We had a lot of questions to get to the root of…What the heck was going on!? Everything was falling apart and everyone was acting completely different. The masks, the shifting personas, the bipolar behaviour ….. it had appeared we struck some energetic gold, layers were lifting as we pulled up decades of rugs and old flooring, cleared out some smoke, looked in some mirrors, poked at the bears, and found a lot…

It became very clear to see and understand when broken down. The what you could easily label very disgusting, mentally ill and psychotic actions and behaviour from a lot of our family members was being attracted as a result of us choosing to pull up our history, our ugliest, our hidden, the history of the collective, generational trauma, patterns, beliefs, influences, societal norms to continue piecing together our pasts to release our futures. The parallels are wild, mind blowing, and very enlightening. The versions of the self, the wounded collective, not choosing to break cycles/patterns, emotional abuse, mental illness, or even becoming aware of their life’s timeline, not understanding where their own feelings or actions stem from, are the particles of your wounded cells projecting through individuals, family members, friends, coworkers etc. that are not choosing to regulate their nervous systems or do the inner work to help break cycles and chains for their lineage ——which is the whole reason why we’re here on earth/life school. You can heal these particles within you as you mirror one another and understand the contracts and opportunities present. If only one does the healing while the other does not, one evolves, raises their vibration, while the other takes themSELF for another loop and this time it will be harsher as a result of missing the opportunity this time around, that’s how the cookie crumbles.

These parts of the self are running, hiding, falsely labeling to cope from the harsh, imbalanced, unhealthy, unaligned or less than treatment they’ve experienced and therefore have perpetuated the same onto others, the not wanting to see or feel ——simply just suppress, alter, and delete. A very common norm of our society today, most think** it’s easier to block out then to feel or deal. I must add a lot of compassion is dealt and felt with a spoonful of heightened emotional health from my work with the collective as everyone has to heal these cycles, break unhealthy habits/patterns it’s just to what level of survival and abuse they’ll be healing from is more the question. Some people/parents have started doing the work while others remain in old school loops. We can inspire others by sharing our experiences and it’s aligned and universally supported as this is a major theme of 2024. If you’re scared to set boundaries you’re not alone! Just start to slowly speak up about it with your own cells and you’ll begin to attract resources and support externally.

You don’t have to hide and suppress it’s not helpful to not feel. It causes more confusion, cluster, and harsher circumstances in life to avoid —-with the 1000’s + of 1:1 sessions working with clients from all over the globe I can say confidently this is the very hard and challenging part of the process for the individual, to truly want to see and feel what ALL has been done and to know why. Reconnecting the mind to the matter that has been trained to memorize* instead of remember*. Healing is usually stopped by the individual arriving at a layer of their healing they simply do not want to deal with. This plateaus all previous work and the individual usually just stops their growth and drops back into their old patterns, habits, coping mechanism and a times will even turn on the healing, the healer, the information they’ve already gathered from their own subconscious, and return back to the old storylines as the unhealed parts of the self have taken over again.

Spoiler—-The amount of family members, friends, old peers, coworkers that are all versions of the self staying in lower levels of life will not like your growth, your boundaries, or your truth. This is where we choose our hard. Is it harder dimming, pretending, and shrinking well you make these other versions happy or to set the necessary boundary? Yes, it will hurt and you’re right in thinking you will experience loss and yes you are letting go parts of yourself you’re outgrowing. In the long run it is truly much harder to stay small, quiet, and dim as you will attract harsh lessons, health, habits along this lower level living as the universe tries to spark you. As you set the necessary boundaries spoiler, you will begin to have people wanting your attention more, some individuals you haven’t spoke to in years or who’ve never shown interest start to knock knock on your door. This is the universe hand delivering versions of yourself that you need to further address. Don’t get caught off guard! Stay mindful, know this and don’t be naive….old versions of the self love to use fake emotions to lure you back, to make you think** they care, these are not tests flip that view, these are opportunities to respond and show up differently than you had in the past. Family members protecting information and not wanting the family dynamics to change will join together in a versing of the vulnerable, sensitive, cycle breaker, choosing to end unhealthy patterns and call out very unconscious behaviour.

Discernment is key, what reason, season, or lifetime is this version of me helping me to surface, shift perspective, and balance!? Why is this happening four* me? What ideas, thoughts, feelings, and actions have attracted this attention?Unfortunately self-convincing and self-betrayal are two very common themes —-the shell of our great, grand, and parents unhealed traumas have encompassed mosts entire beings as they have missed many opportunities along the road to not repeat obvious patterns and habits through self-awareness and the want and will for much more, evolution. It’s challenging once the human/individual shuts down and shuts off, quite literally desensitizing and disconnecting from their own cells, memories, emotions, and source of energy. The limited self will want company, a need for a host, and may get angry, abusive, controlling, or vile to the the versions of its self willing to keep going through their layers. They will sell their lies and stories to whoever will listen in attempts to slander the name of those choosing to stand out to their less then selves and set boundaries; a sign one is no longer validating the less then behaviour.

The conscious characters are not the ones desperately running their mouth to whomever will listen. It’s obvious the one in the wrong is lying and dying to receive company, trying to sell their story and slander another to protect their vile behaviour and facade ——the conscious will always see the version of themSELF and take on the healing humbly. It is incredibly challenging to take responsibility for the tragic loss of a child due to severe poisoning, a shared experience we both endured. But I know not to sway ever from the core laws of energy. This happened as a result of a myriad of pre sent ideas, thoughts, feelings and actions and I would get to the root of it. My only goal was to save my sons life and reverse/heal all the trauma from the poisoning. With our primary focus always on advocating, educating, and promoting a preventive lifestyle the incident's preventable nature and my efforts to suggest alternative solutions of where we should have stayed have significantly strained our relationship.

There is a deliberate attempt to distort the narrative surrounding our journey with Pax and his healthcare, as well as our healthcare perspective, while overlooking my ongoing health struggles that required navigating Eastern and Western medicine for years to receive an accurate diagnosis. A combination of Eastern and Western medical practices and exploration of diverse cultural healthcare approaches is crucial. Those hesitant to admit their mistakes, confront their truths, or address toxic family dynamics may feel threatened by individuals seeking reconciliation, forgiveness, and justice. Advocating for ourselves amid numerous hospital stays, visits and interactions with medical professionals from several countries has revealed genuine care alongside those advocating for extreme measures, even at mine and our son's expense. Reflecting on our history, heritage, and decisions has revealed recurring patterns. I acknowledge the humans role in this narrative; recognizing the various versions of ourselves we are healing – from the lowest of the low, to the societal slave, the decades of lower level unhealthy and imbalanced lifestyles/relationships, the hunters and gatherers, the cult like organized religions, the mystical folklore, the legends and myths, the parts frozen in time —the ice age, the parts scattered and overwhelmed —the lyrans, the multidimensional universe, the original fairy tales, to evolving human beings lacking emotional intelligence or life awareness.

Taking things personally rather than broadening our perspective hinders the harmony between masculine and feminine energies. These aspects, devoid of substance, resemble a switched-off cell with light but no inhabitant to turn it on. The quality of experiences, ideas, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, actions is limited and lacks depth. These fragments represent the original consciousness extensively damaged pieces in a primordial cosmic explosion, the beginning of time. Instead of understanding and healing these damaged fragments, the common coping mechanisms involve deletion, suppression, concealment, or severance due to being perceived as overwhelming, too much, too sensitive, or too intense.

Johny's inclination to avoid conflicts rooted in childhood experiences and his reluctance to take responsibility when needed have led us away from our shared cherished reality. We have dipped back into survival mode, surrounded by societal norms, external control, reliving past cycles, encountering disconnected individuals, and facing unresolved financial concerns. Daily routines faltered and self-care became challenging as I worked endlessly to rectify our lives post poisoning while Johny attempted to work through the mess of memories he had avoided. This journey has emphasized the importance of maintaining healthy perspectives, beliefs, routines and habits to sustain elevated views, vibrations and personal growth. Otherwise, the risk of regressing back into separateness, victimhood, lower consciousness, and outdated patterns remains a persistent challenge. Just like I had stated prior he had simply reached a layer he was not willing to see or feel. Forcing gets one no where so I had to humbly choose assisting this very stubborn version of myself, my husband, my partner through sickness and through health which further allowed me to heal these parts of myself, my family, the men in my life, and my own masculinity.

With such drastic life turns and changes, it gave so much more information to what was happening behind the scenes, and it was now very obvious… there were still huge skeletons clustering up my ancestral closet, so to speak. A lot of history, herstory, theirstory was trying to repeat itself and we had to get to the root of it to prevent the loops from taking over with the life coaching tools of broader picture awareness, cell connection, and the willingness to show up differently to break the cycle/psychosis….


Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Forecast

Greetings and Salutations,

Welcome to the inaugural event of the 2024 Eclipse season. Today, we find ourselves amidst a captivating spectacle of energetic equilibrium. The Libra full moon lunar eclipse, a literal interplay of light and darkness, graces the sky with a vibe that aids in sharpening your perception.

The year 2024 has already proven to be quite eventful, with a distinct aura that suggests change is on the horizon. Our most valuable asset at this time is to attune ourselves to the various energies at play, enabling us to take purposeful actions across all realms: spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical.

It is noteworthy that this lunation occurs in the season of Aries, juxtaposed with Libra, two opposing signs. Aries embodies independence and strength, while Libra signifies unity and partnership. This juxtaposition may manifest as internal conflict, uncertainty, and fluctuations in mood if not carefully managed.

By focusing on the current challenge and appreciating the strengths of these contrasting energies, we can blend the best of both within ourselves. Utilizing Aries' drive and determination can support Libra and the significant first eclipse of the season in fostering balance. Letting go of the notion of good versus evil, we can realign our internal balance of light and dark energies to harmonize and integrate all components into their original unity.